Knowledge transfer #07/23 20.07.2023

News from our projects

The transfer of knowledge, technologies and know-how from research to application is a central element of Industrial Collective Research (Industrielle Gemeinschaftsforschung - IGF). The FVV as a transfer platform provides continued exchange between science, industry and society with reports from the project world, transfer + networking events and a newsletter.  #wearetransfer

News from the technical press

In February and June, our partner magazine MTZ published two thematic reports on research priorities of the FVV:

MTZ 06/2023
Sustainable powertrain systems – research for the mobility of the future:
The perfect match of climate-neutral energy sources with fuel cell and hybrid powertrains

MTZ 02+03/2023
Zero-impact-emissions – research for a new generation of IC engines:
Laying the groundwork for the development of »zero-impact vehicles« (ZIV) whose emissions have no impact on air quality

FVV Transfer + Networking Events

The Transfer + Networking Events in spring and autumn represent the heart of the FVV's Industrial Collective Research. The transfer reports including a detailed directory of the presented research results summarise the highlights of the FVV Conferences:

Transfer report | Spring 2023
» Climate-neutral mobilty: Alternative powertrains on the rise
» Materials and resource efficiency
» Speeding up the green transformation through a systems efficiency perspective

Transfer report | Autumn 2022
» The road to zero-impact vehicles
» Zero-impact emissions technologies for shipping
» How quickly can we be sustainable? Insights into pathways to climate-neutral mobility

The FVV is globally networked to create science-based insights into forward technologies for climate neutrality and zero-impact emissions from sustainable energy conversion systems. We have a clear fact-based compass and we are always open to the best solution from a technical, economic and environmental point of view. In doing so, we organise open-topic research along the value chains, bringing together companies with the same interests regardless of size and economic power. We network bright minds and benefit from their knowledge and experience. We think ahead and open up paths to the world of tomorrow for young talents. This is how inner drive and passion give rise to science for a moving society.

In our innovation network, globally operating manufacturers of energy carriers, power systems, sustainable powertrains and prime movers such as vehicle / aircraft / industrial engines, fuel cells and turbo machines, as well as their suppliers and  development service providers, conduct together with universities  and other research institutions pre-competitive, collective  research on future technologies. The goal is to operate energy converters – engines, hybrid powertrains, turbines, compressors, turbochargers and fuel cells – with renewable energy sources in new, (partly) electrified, integrated and digitalised conversion systems in a more efficient, cleaner and sustainable way – to the benefit of society, climate, environment  and industry.