The transfer of knowledge, technologies and know-how from research to application is a central element of Industrial Collective Research (Industrielle Gemeinschaftsforschung - IGF). The FVV as a transfer platform provides continued exchange between science, industry and society with reports from the project world, transfer + networking events and a newsletter. #wearetransfer
All final reports of our research projects are presented to our research and innovation network and the interested public at the »FVV Transfer + Networking Events« in autumn and spring. Anyone who missed an event can easily check out the »transfer reports« to get an overview.
To encourage the transfer of knowledge and the expansion of the research network, the FVV publishes »thematic reports« on its research priorities. In addition, the Research and Technology (RTD) Performers participating in the FVV research and innovation network publish specific »project reports« on particularly interesting new findings.
- FVV Transfer + Networking Events
- FVV Transfer + Innovation Network // RTD Performers
- MAKE IT NEW // Research Fields (ToR) + Expert Groups
- Technology Magazines // MTZ + ATZ Worldwide
In this context, we have been cooperating for many years with the world's leading international technology magazines for research and development – MTZ + ATZ Worldwide.
Transfer report | Autumn 2024
» Only a multi-pathway approach can achieve net-zero mobility
» Advanced energy conversion + powertrain systems
» High-temperature service life of additively manufactured components
» Research directory: Autumn 2024
» Facts + Figures: new project proposals and ideas, recently started projects
» THEMIS quick links: your fast track to the research programmeTransfer report | Spring 2024
Development of new research methods and simulation tools
» Database for real vehicle data
» Electrification of powertrains
» Use of AI in powertrain development
» Powertrain research as an international cooperation project
» Development of low-emission gas turbines: thermoacoustic instabilities
» Research directory: Spring 2024
» New project proposals and ideas, recently started projects
» Expert Groups: Scientific coordination und research fields (ToR)Transfer report | Autumn 2023
» Decarbonising the energy & mobility sectors | hydrogen
» Alternative energy carriers for carbon-neutral mobility: hydrogen direct combustion, fuel cells
» How gas turbines can help decarbonise the energy sector
» Research directory: Autumn 2023
» New project proposals and ideas
» Expert Groups: Scientific coordination und research fields (ToR)Transfer report | Spring 2023
» Climate-neutral und resource-efficient mobility: Alternative powertrains on the rise
» Materials and resource efficiency: Resource efficiency reduces material and energy consumption
» How we are speeding up the green transformation through a systems efficiency perspective
» Research directory: Spring 2023
» New project proposals and ideas
» Expert Groups: Scientific coordination und research fields (ToR)Transfer report | Autumn 2022
» The road to zero-impact vehicles
» Zero-impact emissions technologies for shipping
» How quickly can we be sustainable? FVV gives insights into sustainable pathways to climate-neutral mobility
» Research directory: Autumn 2022
» New project proposals and ideas
» Expert Groups: Scientific coordination and research fields (ToR) -
Research methods and simulation tools for the powertrains of tomorrow
Efficient research methods open up new approaches for developing more sustainable, more climate-friendly and more resource-efficient power-trains. Pre-competitive development tools play a major role in bringing these powertrain solutions to market more quickly. The FVV is spearheading this field of research through a multitude of projects that it has initiated and continues to drive forward.
Green molecules going hand in hand with green electrons: hydrogen
» Hydrogen as an energy carrier does not release any greenhouse gases. If it is produced using renewable energy sources, it is completely climate-neutral as ›green‹ hydrogen. Research into its potential in combination with both fuel cells and combustion engines is therefore a key pillar of FVV’s activities for sustainable mobility.
» Hydrogen – in all of its possible forms for storage and transport – is one of the key elements of our transformation to a sustainable society.All things energy transition: designing components safely and efficiently
With the energy transition, thermal machines and plants such as turbines are increasingly running cyclically instead of in continuous operation. The resulting alternating loads and additional stresses due to temperature changes can cause cracks in the material. The growth of such cracks must be closely monitored and evaluated to rule out failures. The development of the necessary methods is one of the diverse tasks of project group W 14 ›High-Temperature Creep-Crack Behaviour‹ of the Research Association for High- Temperature Steels and Materials (FVWHT) and the FVV.
Electric vehicles (EV) - research priority electric motors
» In the FVV network, companies, research institutes and associations engage in pre-competitive collective research into powertrain solutions to achieve climate neutrality in the transport sector. All concepts that can potentially contribute to CO2 reduction are considered, whether these be battery electric solutions, the use of hydrogen in fuel cells or thermal conversion systems, or other alternative energy sources.
» The association’s activities in the area of battery electric powertrains have recently been pooled in the new expert group on electric motors.
» In addition to research activities within the FVV, the expert group carries out cooperative projects as part of the E-MOTIVE programme with the Research Association for Drive Technology (FVA) and the Machinery and Equipment Manufacturers Association (VDMA).Materials research: resource efficiency lowers material and energy consumption
Within the scope of Industrial Collective Research (IGF), FVV and its projects help companies make their production more efficient in terms of resources and costs, increase the performance and longevity of components, thereby retaining materials in the circular economy for longer:
» Powerful calculation tool for finite element simulation and predicting crack propagation in 3D components of advanced turbochargers
» Modern metal-graphite composites for more efficient machines and enginesSustainable powertrain systems – research for the mobility of the future
» In its pre-competitive collective research, FVV pursues a technology-neutral approach in which all sustainable powertrain systems and energy sources are considered equally.
» This mix allows the individual concepts to fully leverage their specific advantages for the respective applications and customer specifications.
» To quickly achieve the climate and energy policy goals, research for sustainable mobility of the future is being conducted in parallel in several projects.Research with an open mind
» Exploding energy costs, raw material shortages, collapsing supply chains and political crises - the latest imponderables show us that the challenges of the future cannot be calculated in advance. Doesn't it then show foresight to pursue different paths in parallel on the way to climate neutrality and further emission reduction instead of relying on just one concept?
» In its activities, FVV basically pursues an open approach. Instead of ignoring promising options, the focus is on pragmatic problem solving.
» The pre-competitive collective research organised by FVV thus lays the foundation for the development of even more environmentally compatible and resource-friendly energy conversion systems.Zero-impact emissions – research for a new generation of internal combustion engines
» Until now, analyses of the exhaust gas levels of vehicles with combustion engines have focused solely on their pollutant emissions.
» With the »zero-impact emissions« (ZIE) approach, the concentration of pollutants in the ambient air forms the basis of assessing the exhaust gas level.
» Through several projects, the FVV is expanding pre-competitive research and laying the groundwork for the development of »zero-impact vehicles« (ZIV) whose emissions have no impact on air quality.Mastering complexity – pre-competitive collective research in hybrid powertrains
» The electrification of combustion engine powertrains enables emissions of both greenhouse gases and exhaust pollutants to be reduced significantly.
» However, the growing level of complexity that accompanies hybridisation is posing new challenges for the development process and the simulation tools used.
» Through several projects, the FVV is aiming to provide its members with such tools and create a more comprehensive foundation for small and medium-sized industrial businesses.Pathways to climate-neutral mobility in the post-fossil age
» In a new orientation study, the FVV not only takes into account all climate-relevant emissions generated during the construction and operation of vehicles.
» For the first time, it also considers the provision of energy carriers across sectors, including the establishment of the infrastructure required for this.
» As such, it calculates both cumulative greenhouse gas emissions from mobility and the cumulative additional costs to the economy and analyses further dependencies.Industrial engines as power systems – research for optimum system design
» The range of applications and the long service life of industrial engines call for research to reconcile climate neutrality and economic efficiency.
» The FVV promotes the use of climate-friendly energy sources, hybridisation and fuel cells as alternative energy converters.
» There is one common challenge for the many different applications: The optimum is not achieved primarily through technical details, but rather through system design. -
Reliability assessment for failure mechanisms in complex electrified systems
Decarbonization and electrification determine the further development of complex technical systems. Sustainability goals are the central motivation drivers. The success of a product is determined by its reliability, which must also be ensured against unknown damage mechanisms. In the FVVresearch project no. 1441 ›Lifetime Model Winding Insulation‹, coordinated by Dr. Zeljana Beslic, researchers at the University of Stuttgart investigated how this can be achieved for electric motors powered by silicon carbide power semiconductors.
Zero-impact emissions for all traffic scenarios through optimisation of exhaust aftertreatment systems
In the FVV project no. 1412 ›Zero-impact tailpipe emission powertrains‹, two reference vehicles with current exhaust gas aftertreatment systems were examined under demanding operating conditions at the RWTH Aachen University. It is shown that both vehicles no longer have a significant impact on air quality in most scenarios and that they fulfill the criterion of Zero-Impact Emissions (ZIE). By integrating additional heating measures and increasing catalytic converter volumes, this can also be achieved in other critical scenarios.
eSpray: injection, mixing and auto-ignition of E-fuels for compression ignition engines
In order to achieve the best engine efficiencies while minimizing pollutant emissions, the physical and chemical behavior of liquid hydrocarbons from renewable energies during their mixture formation and combustion must be understood. In the FVV project no. 1403, the injection, mixture formation and ignition of OME3-5 and 1-octanol are investigated in comparison to diesel-like n-dodecane. In this project, four other international research institutes are working together with Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU).
Higher efficiency with model-based predictive knock control
Today’s knock control systems generally neglect the stochastic character of knocking phenomena and react to individual knocking working cycles with a retarded ignition timing. A control approach developed in the FVV research project no. 1370 in cooperation with the University of Stuttgart and RWTH Aachen University reduces the frequency of ignition retardation and thus increases the efficiency by this alone.
Influence of lubricating oil additives on the particulate raw emission behaviour of gasoline engines
Stricter emission limits and increasingly optimised combustion processes are shifting the focus of investigations into further sources of particle emissions and particle formation pathways. At the Institute of Internal Combustion Engines (IFKM) of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), particle-influencing oil and fuel additives were investigated and evaluated in terms of particle number and particle size distribution within the framework of the FVV project no. 1374.
Modular object-oriented architectures for scalable hybrid powertrains
Object-oriented architectures are already being applied in various applications to design subsystems in a modular way and to scale their functionalities and interactions within the system. In the FVV research project no. 1428, principles for object-oriented designs and their transfer to hybrid powertrain systems and individual components were developed at the Institute of Internal Combustion Engines and Powertrain Systems (vkm) of TU Darmstadt. This will make it possible to exchange components and configurations to create variants without increasing the development effort.
Potentials of air path variabilities for future commercial vehicle gas engines
Diesel engines still dominate the market for commercial vehicles. Due to its reduced carbon/hydrogen ratio, natural gas offers high potential for lowering global CO2 emissions. There are some disadvantages with the stoichiometric combustion process, which can be countered with a suitable technology mix. In the FVV research project no. 1346, an evaluation of the technology combinations EGR, Miller combustion process and water injection was carried out on a commercial vehicle engine at the Institute of Internal Combustion Engines and Fuel Cells (IVB) of Technische Universität Braunschweig.
Electrification of the partially homogeneous diesel engine
The electrification of vehicle powertrains holds great potential for reducing emissions of both pollutants and greenhouse gases. As part of the FVV research project no. 1312, the combination of a partially homogeneous diesel engine combustion process and additional hybridisation was investigated on a vehicle concept at the Institute of Automotive Engineering (IFS) of University of Stuttgart. The modified combustion process can benefit greatly from the increased onboard voltage of a hybrid powertrain.
Efficient analysis of the interior noise of electric vehicles
Since the high-frequency noise components of the electric powertrain are often perceived as unpleasant in the vehicle interior, a method for efficient analysis is essential. In the FVV project no. 1369, a method for the automated separation of electric vehicle interior noise and allocation of the noise components to the emitting parts was developed at RWTH Aachen University. And researchers at Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg created a model for assessing psychoacoustic pleasantness.
Influence of cylinder pressure curve on total friction in internal combustion engines – techniques and methods for measurement and simulation
Precise knowledge of the total friction of an internal combustion engine is important for reducing power losses and thus increasing efficiency. Therefore, the University of Stuttgart and the University of Kassel have developed and implemented techniques and methods in the FVV research project no. 1309 with which the influence of the cylinder pressure curve can be measured and calculated in the simulation.
Potential powertrain configurations to achieve 2040 CO2 targets
The goal currently being implemented in the EU Parliament of only allowing climate-neutral vehicles on the roads by 2035 is often associated with the conversion of motorised private transport to battery-electric vehicles. In the FVV research project no. 1355, which was initiated in 2018, scenarios were investigated at the University of Stuttgart that compare different powertrain architectures with the purely battery-electric drive in passenger cars and light commercial vehicles in terms of greenhouse potential.
Modular fuel cell system simulation environment with a special view to membrane water management
The water balance of a fuel cell decisively influences its performance. For examination, a stack/system model was developed in an FVV research project at the Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems (TME) of RWTH Aachen University and the Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Center ZBT in Duisburg. In the follow-up FVV research project no. 1411, the model is being extended in order to particularly highlight the influence of liquid water.
Investigation into wastegate channel interaction of twin-scroll turbines
Optimal modelling of exhaust gas turbochargers contributes to the improvement of predictive 1-D engine process calculations. In order to be able to consider flow influences at twin-scroll wastegate channels, the FVV research project no. 1264 was initiated. The results of the project, which was carried out at the Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems (TME) of RWTH Aachen University, represent an important extension for map-based modeling approaches.
Ash behaviour in wall-flow filters
In wall-flow filters, ash accumulates with increasing runtime, which upscales the back pressure of the exhaust system in the long term. Depending on the operating conditions, it accumulates in several ways with different effects. As part of the FVV research project no. 1292, experiments and simulations were carried out at TU Braunschweig and the University of Wuppertal to investigate the parameters influencing the type of ash deposition.
Test rig configuration for the investigation of an industrial-type centrifugal compressor stage
Centrifugal compressors are an essential part of the industrial environment and, as such, are subject to the most stringent requirements in respect of operational efficiency in large parts of the compressor map. As part of the FVV research project no. 1279, a new compressor stage was designed as a research platform at the Institute of Jet Propulsion and Turbomachinery (IST) of RWTH Aachen University to provide the basis for investigating the stability limit, as well as interaction phenomena, in part-load operation.
Potentials of coupled test benches
Technological trends, such as electrification and automated driving, result in increasingly complex vehicle development processes. Hereby, distributed development tools can assist in a wide range of applications. In the FVV research project no. 1363 a methodology for a virtual test bench network for hybrid electric powertrains was developed at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) accompanied by APL. This allows investigations at system level to be carried out as early as at the component development stage.