55 years of applied materials research for the energy industry
10 years of Japanese-German co-operation in powertrain research
Knowledge transfer #12/24
Interview with Christopher Steinwachs
Shapers of the Future - Sebastian Wohlgemuth
Shapers of the Future - Miriam Florack
Shapers of the Future - Christoph Weißbacher
All things energy transition
Change in the management team
Interview with Dr. Markus Schwaderlapp
All things energy transition
Voices from our member companies
Designing components safely and efficiently
Peter Gutzmer talking to energie+MITTELSTAND
Hydrogen engines do have a future
Enabling research through research management
Knowledge transfer #07/23
Climate-neutral and resource-efficient mobility
Prof. Dr. Thomas Koch explains what young engineers should learn today
Industrial Collective Research moving into a new era
FVV Award winners on young researchers in science
Martin Urban works on economic solutions for a climate-neutral energy system.
FVV gives insights into sustainable pathways to climate neutral mobility
FVV publishes annual magazine 2022
Thomas Korn from Keyou has been working on hydrogen engines for many years
Impact on air quality as a benchmark
An interview with Dietmar Goericke
Sustainability is more than just climate protection: Boundary conditions for sustainable mobility
Sustainability as a compass
From gear wheel edges to coil insulation
Facts over feeling
Individuals reach their limits relatively quickly
ICE2025+: the ultimate system efficiency
Names carry traces of the past
Patiently creating space for something new
DME as an alternative fuel for Compression-Ignition Engins
New FVV meta-analysis of LCA Studies on Alternative Powertrain Technologies
Options for climate-neutral mobility in 2050
Developing a generic fuel cell stack
E-Crude-Produktion in Norwegen